Refund Policy

If you request a refund, we will reimburse you for the full purchase price, in the currency in which you made the purchase. We do not charge any kind of fee for this service. Refund requests are handled through our support team, which can be reached by emailing [email protected]. We do our best to keep response times below 24 hours in order to resolve your issue quickly and without complication.

Generally, any customer who so wishes will receive a refund, unless:

1. The request for a refund is made more than 30 days after the date of purchase.
2. The request for a refund is made on non-technical ground.
3. The product was not purchased from Kstar SysTool directly, in which case it is subject to the return policies of the re-seller in question.
4. The customer has bought a similar product from a different provider and wishes to return the product for this reason.
5. The request for refund is made for reason of product failures that are not product related.
6. The purchase was made without the payers’ consent.
7. There are technical difficulties which our support can provide solutions to.
8.The customer would like to receive a swap instead of a refund.
9. The customer would like a price adjustment refund more than 7 days after the date of purchase.

Once a refund is issued, the corresponding license will be deactivated.

Please uninstall the software and remove it from your computer.